Thursday 21 February 2013

Abundance of possibilities (Part 2/2)

This is the second part of this article, when I will publish the rest of my analysis in this interesting position.
For those who missed the first part, there is not the big point to read this one, but of course there is a link for the first part:
Part 1 .

After we explored some of the White´s possibilities, the biggest part is still to be analysed.
There is one very important candidate move in this position, and one which are not mentioned in the first part.
Let´s see the both.

We are in the position in the previous diagram.


44. Be3

This is the move which majority of the players around the table analysed the most.
Black has two possibilities.


45. Bxh6, Raa2
46. Rd2, Rxd2
47. Bxd2, Qh4!?

Black has a lot of ideas connected with the bishop sacrifice on h3.
He is not worse by any means.
This is enough to prove that 44. Be3 can not bring an advantage for White, but still, it is interesting to see what would happen if Black goes in a variation which was white´s idea.


45. Nxe3, Qh4

Black is trying with a counterplay on the king side.
45...Qb6 would set a pressure from another side and would completely compensate for the weak pawns on b4 and d6. Black is not worse.

46. Nc2

It is important to cover the second rank, as there was mate hanging on f2.
The second option was 46. Rd2 but then Black can sacrifice his bishop
46...Bxh3 47. gxh3, Qxh3+ 48. Kg1, Qxf3  Black has a full compensation (he can play for more).

This is one of the many positions in which Black should strike in the centre.


The point is that Black want the c-file open. Sacrifice on h3 leads to a direct draw.

47. cxd5, Bxh3

Black can try with 47...Bc8 48. Kg1, Ba6 49. Qd2, Rc8 50. Rbc1 which is unclear.

48. Rd2

Only this way. If 48. gxh3?, Qxh3+ 49. Kg1, Qg3+ 50 Kh1 and now comes the point of the c-file opening. 50...Rc8 and because of hanging knight on c2 and tremendous threat of Rc3, White is helpless.

49. Kg1

...and the position is probably equal.

Beyond the obvious...

There is a one more move that can defend against an idea of sacrifice on f2 and double attack on b6. That move can renew the threat of taking on b4, and Black should show some imaginative ways to avoid defeat.


44. Be1 !

With this simple move White put the big pressure on Black.
How to defend b4 pawn, or if it is impossible, how to generate some counterplay?
On the first look, there is no much what can Black do.

First of all, Black´s task is to find an idea, what to do in this position.
For those who like to solve complicated exercises this is one of the most difficult that I ever seen.
For those who just like to go trough these positions, this is the right example of the structure in the analyse.

44...Bf4 !!

Right, so what is so unusual or hard in this move?
Well, Black´s idea is Qb6 and Bh2! with a deadly check on g1.
Even this imaginative idea is not all!
You should see what tactical ideas are hidden in this position and how is b4 pawn indirectly defended.
We already know our procedure.
The candidate moves!

We can see that White basically has three serious candidates.

45. Bxb4 to take a pawn with the bishop.
45. Nxb4 to take a pawn with the knight.
45. Ra1 to try to decrease the pressure in the position

We will analyse it in that order.
These analysis are not conclusive and there are abundance of possibilities in this position.
I will show the main and the most important lines for the readers.


45. Bxb4?!

This is one of these positions when the central strike is possible.

46. Ra1!!

This is the only move. If 46. cxd5 then 46...Bc8 and because of Ba6 Black will win a lot of material. Neither is good 46. Be1 because of 46...Qc8! and notice that White can not take on d5.


This position is unclear.
One possible, and probably the best, continuation is:

47. cxd5, Bd7
48. Kg1, Rxc2
49. Qxc2, Qxb4

I like Black here.


45. Nxb4?!

I am very cautious to put any interpunction signs on these moves. You can see what follows.


Only this move keeps the balance for Black, but the problem for White is that he has to find a lot of exact moves too in order to keep the balance.


46. Nxa2?, Bxg2+!
47. Kxg2, Rxa2+
48. Kf1, Qg5
49. Bd2, Bxd2  ....and Black is winning.


46. gxh3?

This position deserves a diagram.


This move wins for Black!
That is not all. Look how it wins!

47. Bf2, Qc8
48. Qxd6, Qxh3+
49. Ke2, Rxf2+
50. Kxf2, Qh2+
51. Kf1, Be3
52. Nd3

Black is the whole rook down, but there is a fantastical blow.


The only move that wins. Black will check on g1,e3, f3 and eventually on c3. In order to stop that White has to give all material.


46. Bf2!!

There is nothing much for Black here then to accept a draw and take the perpetual.

47. Kxg2, Rxf2+
48. Kxf2, Qh4+

...and despite the strong desire to win in this position, there is nothing that to accept a draw.

All right, but do not forget that we just analysed the B variation. What about the C. ?


45. Ra1!

This is what I actually think that is the best what White can get from the position.

46. Bxb4

...and we have this position.

Black can choose from the two acceptable options.


47. cxd5, Bxh3
48. Bd2, Bxd2
49. Rxa2, Rxa2
50. Rxd2, Bd7

The position is unclear. The computer engine Houdini 3 gives evaluation around 0, and I think that White´s weak king compensates for his extra pawn.


47. Rxa2, Rxa2
48. Bxd6, Be6

This is the second position which Black can take.
White is pawn up and has two connected passers on the queen side.
Black has the pair of bishops and a possibility to advance with his h-pawn.
I think that this position is in balance.
Computer engine prefers C1 over C2 but I published the both lines as I think that for Black is a matter of choice would he go for C1 or C2 and that C2 is not worse than C1.

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