Wednesday 3 July 2013


In this article my intention is to show some positions in which there general rules can be applied on the position, but as we can see the positions are exceptions from the rules.
My intention is not only to teach you something with this text (although those who are interested can draw some conclusions) but to try to be funny.
I have to warn you that this is not the most precise article, so sometimes the solution can    
be work out by some other general rule which is more important in given position...

If you have a bishop and a pawn against king, you will win every position (if you are losing pawn by force, it does not counts), except the position with a(h) pawn and wrong colour bishop.



It does not matter who is on move!
You can try whatever you want, this position is only a draw.

A pawn is better then bishop?
Of course not!
But if we think about this example, and exchange our bishop with a pawn (by some miracle), we can get this position.
This is winning for White.

Principle of two weaknesses!

Right, this has to be winning (White is on move).
The better king, two weaknesses on opposite sides, better bishop, right, only some triangulation with my bishop, and Black would be in zugzwang.
It has to be winning.
Is it winning?
No, it is only a draw!

When is a bishop better then a knight?

The pawns are on two sides, there are no pawn weaknesses.
White has temporary control over only open file...everything else is symmetrical, except that White has the bishop, and Black has the knight.
Bishop should be better?


In this position, Black is slightly better, thanks to his knight.
It is much better then the bishop.
1...Nc5 2. Bf3, a5  ...and Black won at the end.

In any case, this knight on d4 has to be strong!?
In the best case, White can exchange it for the bishop on h6.
Again, wrong!
The knight on d4 is the main weakness of Black´s position, and that is why he lost the game.
It is enough to look at the position after some moves:

Black is about to lose some material, just because of his bad knight on d4.

2. Be3, Qxb2

If 2...c5 3. b4! +-  Look at this position and think about the knight on d4. Bad or good?

3. Rxd4!, exd4
4. Bxd4, Qa2
5. Rf2

The last position deserves diagram.
The black queen is trapped.

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