Tuesday 11 June 2013

Bosna 2013

In order to write this article I have to pick up one quotation from the Internet, but the name of author is unknown for me.
When reading about my adventures in Sarajevo, please keep in mind this quotation.
Chess as a game of “perfect information”, meaning that each player has the same information available to him to decide on his strategy.  As a result, chess is arguably free from luck so the result depends solely on the skill of the players.

First of all I would like to thank my readers by visiting this site, despite inactivity in the last days, due to my participation in Sarajevo.
Bosna open is specific open , with 27 participants this year, and I was rated 21, which speaks for it self about how strong is the field.
At the end I finished on 21st place, with 4 out of 9, so nothing problematic about my result.
The main upset is the number of missed opportunities. 

The main drawback of this year edition was the time control.
Only 90 minutes for the whole game (increment with 30 seconds per move) is by my standards rapid play.
I repeated the same mistake from Copenhagen Chess Challenge, and lost on time in round number one, when I thought that I have additional 30 minutes.
My position was beyond repair anyway, but only naive people can think that this can not affect my decisions.
When playing more or less professionally, about 100 games per year, one can usually develop some kind of automatic thinking and adopting your time consummation for some part of the games is quite normal (this is not the case if you play as a hobby player 20-25 games per year).
It is known that I try to increase the pressure or conflict in the position after move 30.
I did the same here, and took some chances, when it really did not mattered.....the number of moves are independent on how much time on the clock I had.

By some unexpected circumstances out of chess board I had great difficulties to pick my self for the second (and third) round, so I really played completely out of compass against Predrag Nikolic.
It is a pity, for the second time I played against the legend, and the both times I could not enjoy the game due to things which happened outside of the board (keep in mind an introduction...).

I can say that I was very happy in the round 3, when I had BYE.

In the fourth round I played against The Cursed Swed....Viktor Forsberg.
Once more I had great difficulties to convert my big advantage, and at the end was forced to  try to dry something out of it seemed, drawish endgame.
However after 61 moves of inactivity (I can never understand Viktor decision, not to take a draw), I finally break his resistance.

It was the time to try with more forcing play, which could give me more points if I was a bit more lucky.

In the fifth round I had nice advantage against some Turkish GM, but missed everything that was possible to miss, and I lost.

In the sixth round I played a draw against Serbian junior, Novak Cabarkapa, when I really outplayed him, and had advantage of -10 in one moment.
Yeah, great problems with converting of advantages.

The next round I played against Bosnian IM, Vlado Jakovljevic, and this time I had advantage of +28!!!!
I can not believe that one can have so huge advantage in computer evaluation (it is like a three queens more), and I drew by a repetition of moves....by mistake.

It was not the end. Against Bosnian IM (soon GM) Denis Kadric, I came in the position with clear advantage when I took one pawn, and allowed him to start an attack. 
I had couple of possibilities to clinch a draw, but I choose a continuation which leads to defeat...

Completely tired of this unnecessary lost I played like in the blitz game in the last round, and all of the sudden I won!

Here are some of the positions:

This is from the game against Cabarkapa Novak.
I did not missed:


but I miscalculated it somehow....
Now I can see that the computer evaluation is not -10, but -12.
This is very annoying when I have a feeling that I played the game really well.
However, this was not the most tragic moment in this tournament.

This position is from my game against Jakovljevic Vlado.

32. Qxh5+, Kg7
33. Rxe6

would lead to the advantage of at least +20, if Black chose not to test White idea, otherwise +28 or more!
I played:

32. Rf3, Qg5
33. Rg3 ...one time too much.

This is from my game against Denis Kadric.
At this point my position is superior.
If he did not make something out of his threats on the king side, my advantage can be decisive.
However, I took on f5 with a pawn.

21. Ndxf5!

...and now I have to defend carefully to make a draw.
I blundered badly couple of moves later and everything was over.

The majority of my mistakes came between move 30 and 40, and do not thing that this is coincidence.
That is the part of the game when I should not think about time....spend everything on the right moves....and get an additional half an hour....with normal time control!

Now, I have to rest a couple of days, and come again on the scene of the crime....Hotel Saray, Sarajevo and Bosnian Premier League....

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