Wednesday 17 April 2013

Solutions for March combinations

Here comes the solutions for the combinations, despite that one of the readers solved it all and wrote his solutions in the comments.

1. Bxh6!

This is the trick.


This is the only move, and now

2. Qg6+...with a mate on the next move.

This one is very tricky. Black has to calculate very precisely.   I will give only the main line of the combination.

2. Bxd7, h5!

Only this wins.

3. Qf4, Nxc3 

...and Black wins a piece because of the threat of Ne2+

As I wrote in the introduction for the combinations, White can play Qg7+, but there is something much better.
If you are looking for the combination (if somebody tells you that you are looking for the solution) then you can find it by a method of elimination.
In the reality, you need certain amount of tactical vision.

1. Re1!!

Simple as that, after exchange of queens White is piece up in the endgame.

After the sacrifice on h7 White goes even further:

1. Qxf6!!, gxf6

2. Rg1

A mate on h4 is hanging, and if you solved up to this point, then you did the most of the job, but one extra point for those who calculated further.

3. Kxc2, Ba4+
4. Kd3 ...and White has an endgame with exchange up.

This is the easiest combination in this group.
It does not mean that you can not come in this position in your thoughts during the game and considered it as winning for Black and chose something else earlier.
However as a exercise it provides a little or none possibilities for White to go wrong.

1. Qh7+, Kxh7
2. Bg6+, Kg8
3. Rd8 #

I like the combinations in which the main point comes a little further in them, as they presents the real game situation.

1. Qxf7+, Kh8
2. Qxe7, Nxf1

Everybody can come to this point, and everybody can find a combination if they look for it at this point. The main thing is to find it from the distance and separate it from the forest of other variations.

3. Ra1!!  1-0

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