Monday 18 June 2012

Tournaments in July

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If you look at the FIDE calendar you can notice that number of tournaments rapidly increase during a summer months.
There are objective reasons behind this.
There are a lot amateurs who wants to play more during their free time which forces organisers to organise their tournaments during summer.
Of course, a professional players tries to take advantage of this and plays as much as possible.

From my part there are no more tournaments in Jun but there will be a lot of chess during summer.
My next tournament will be quite interesting open in Glasgow Scotland.
It is a nine round open tournament which is actually 119th Scottish Chess Championship.
I am really looking forward to this tournament, because it will be my first visit to Scotland, and the tournament will be played in the heart of Glasgow with outstanding playing venue.
Glasgow by night
I shall travel to London, just to take a train trough Great Britain to Glasgow and  together with me, Michael De Verdier (2353) will take part in this tournament.
He is writing an article about chess on Malta for this blog and right now he is in conceptual faze.
A whole list of participators you can find on following link:
Registrated players for 119th Scottish Chess Championship

This was not the only tournament which I was interested to play in first half of July, but I decided that it could be very interesting combined with other things which interested me.


For hard core professionals, there are a few tournaments in Greece, and a few tournaments in Spain.
Here comes links for tournaments in Spain:
Barcelona 13-21 July
Benasque 5-14 July
Barcelona 4-12 July
There are a few more tournaments in Spain as every year and there you can play for high prices and travel from tournament to tournament.


This year, there a few very interesting tournaments in France.

Here comes some suggestions:
De la Fére open 7-14 July
Cannes Summer Open 9-15 July
...and for those who wants to combine vacation in Paris and a very strong open tournament there is a big open tournament:
Paris international open 7-15 July

Other tournaments

Some other tournaments are also very interesting.
For example, there is a F.C. St. Pauli open in Hamburg Germany.
Here is a link: F.C. St. Pauli Open, Hamburg Germany 7-15 July 
As I like this football club and supporters of it, I can only recommend you to play this tournament.
I never played it, but it will change in the future.

There is a traditional open in Finland "Heart of Finland".
Heart of Finland 9-15 July
It can be very interesting to play there because as far as I know, this is a only good tournament in Finland.

A one tournament which was very interesting to me and was my finalist for tournament in July (together with Glasgow) was a very nice tournament in Leiden Netherlands.
Here is an invitation: 6th Leiden chess tournament 6-15 July .

If you are interesting to make IM norm and play some close round robin tournaments there is a tournament in Danmark, but I don´t know is it already full.
I got an invitation for this event but had to refuse it because of my participation in Glasgow.
Here are informations : Chess House IM and WIM round robin, Danmark 7-15 July

This is just some of the tournaments which can be interesting. Of course there is a big tournament in Pardubice in Czech Republic in the end of July and a big Open Politicen Cup in Danmark.
Balkan is always full of good tournaments, and this year is not an exception. There are a really good tournaments in Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia.
For my part as I said Glasgow is my next destination and during August I shall play a very strong Grandmaster tournament in Gothenburg in Sweden.
Will I play Politiken cup or not, depends on my mood after Glasgow.