Monday 17 December 2012

December combinations

If you are a loyal reader of this blog, than you already know that I, from time to time, provide the readers some combinations which I found interesting.
With eight combinations which I will publish today, number is already up to 31 from August.
For those who are ambitious with chess it is not enough, and I hope that the number of the combinations which you solved during the Autumn is at least multiplied with three.
There are of course the readers who just want to see some fun in these combinations so I did one mixture of both.
Some of them are just nice, and some of the combinations are useful in order to improve specific skills.

Black to move

There are many Black´s pieces that are hanging and a check on e6 is dangerous as well.
However it is Black´s turn and he found a way to finish the game immediately.

White to move

This one is very hard, or at least I failed to solve it which makes this combination hard for me.
Black has significant material advantage, but his king is in great danger.
Additionally, Black´s rook is very passive on f8 and White has a nice passer on f7.

Black to move

White has tremendous pressure on g7-pawn, but his knight on d4 is en prise.
Is it possible to take the knight and defend against the pressure on g7, or Black has to play g7-g6 ?

Black to move

This is from my game against Stellan Brynell in Copenhagen in 2009.
I was White and I lost in the very long endgame.
However in this moment Stellan had something decisive but he missed it. Later on he told me that he knew it directly after he played the wrong move, as my body language talked for it self.

Black to move

This combination is from my rapid game (10 minutes per player) against Mostar player, Nikica Vego.
I was Black and I could take on f3, but my bishop on c8 is also hanging.
Calculate the consequences.

Black to move

Black is of course winning.
can he reduce the material immediately with:

2. Nxe4, Qd5   ?

How many moves in this sequence are wrong?

Black to move

This is from the game Grandelius-Smith in Lund 2012.
In this position Black failed to win the game and eventually lost.
Can you do better than Smith?

Black to move

This is the combination from the introduction.
Your task is to calculate the best sequence.
In that case the game should and in a draw.
Calculate the consequences of the wrong moves.
On the diagram I marked the squares where White can deliver the decisive blow if it is his move.
Black´s tasks are mainly defencive but there are some nice prophylaxis by White.

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