Wednesday 6 March 2013

Elitserien - R6 analysis

As I promised, I will publish some details from my game against Lars Karlsson in sixth round in Elitserien.
After this article I will concentrate a little more on Cannes Festival.
It will be analysis of my games in two articles, one pictorial rapport with some information about my travel there, and probably some information about tournament it self.
After this, it will be a time for the final in Swedish league (weekend in the middle of March).
It will be the time when my club Eksjö S.K. will without problems secure our place in highest level of Swedish team competition.

So, immediately in the opening I got very pleasant surprise:

GM Karlsson Lars E2427 - IM Bejtovic Jasmin E2387  Eksjö 2013

I just played:


...and invited him on:

5. Bxf6 ?, exf6
6. c4

This is well known technique from 1. c4, b6 opening, and I was a victim of this in one of my games in Glasgow.
However, I learnt from the game Semcesen-Grandelius that the second player played with black when a knight is already on f3.
The knight is to far from critical square d5.
One extra thing in my advantage is his pawn on f4, which is not the best possible placement.
I think that already now I stand better.
We reached this position:

This is the first moment when Black needs to show some unusual ideas.


I am improving my weakest placed piece.
The bishop will go on a5 and White will loose a pawn on e3.
In that position I had close to winning advantage but missed something and he got defensible position.
When he thought that the worst is over, he offered me a draw.
That was in the position on the next diagram.
I decided to play on.

I knew it that we will exchange a-pawn for his d-pawn and my extra pawn would be double f-pawn.
There are other advantages in the position.
My bishop is dominant to his knight, and his pawn is already on f4, which means that the second rank is weakened and that I have a possibility to exchange one of my pawns for his f pawn (somehow).
However, I wanted to keep c and b pawns on the board as long as possible.
I succeeded in that, and a price was that his b-pawn advanced to sixth rank.
We reached the following position:

He played:

42. Rc7

One move earlier I moved my g pawn on g5. I could not play Bd8 because of the same answer Rc7.
Of course I anticipated all this, and I played:


After forcing sequence we reached the following position:

43. Ne5, Bxe5
44. fxe5, Rxb6
45. Rxc5, Rb2
46. Kg1, Re2

I am not sure if this position is winning for me if he just waits with his rook on fifth rank.
I can improve the position of my king with Kg6-Kg5 but then he will play Rc7 and I has nothing.
My best chance would be to push my h-pawn, maybe to h4.
I am still not sure about this position.
I will analyse it in depth.
Anyway, after a long thought he tried with active defence (usually the right thing in the rook endgames) with:

47. Kf1

I played:

48. Rc7, Kg6
49. Rc6+, Kg5
50. Rf6

In this position I calculated very good.


The quickest way to win the game.

51. Rxf7, h4
52. e6, hxg3

...and however he responds now, my rook will come to e-line.
Then it will be just one task for me.
To take his pawn with a help of my king.
The whole game you can see in the chess viewer.

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