Monday 1 July 2013

Solution for June combinations

This position is from the game
IM Bejtovic Jasmin - GM Pikula Dejan ,
The question was about black´s move Bg4.

2. Rxc7!

This was my trick (Black did not fall for this and played 1...Nf5). White is winning now.

3. Qxg4 +-

This position is from the game:

GM Papp Gabor - IM Bejtovic Jasmin

In the case of 1...d5 White has several ways of obtaining advantage (even winning advantage). However, on the most logical reply:

2. Bxd5??

Black can pose the real problems with:


Position is unclear and at least equal. White pieces are overloaded.

This is from my old game (year 2009) from Germany.
The right answer (see the questions here ) is B.

1...Qb3 is better move then 1...Qf7.

In the both case it seems that Black will win the pawn on d5 (and afterwards the pawn on c6), however on 1...Qf7?? (The move that I played in the game), White can play:

2. Rf1!

White is at least equal!

This is from my old game from Austria (year 2008).
The right continuation is:

1. Bxf4, exd5
2. Bxe5, Bxe5
3. Rae1, f6!

In the game Black played 3...Be6 4. Rxe5. I was much better but eventually drew.

4. Rxf6

The position now deserves the new diagram:

5. Rb6, Kd7
6. Rxe5

...and now


with a threat of mate

7. Kg1, Kc7

...and the rook is trapped. So....

8. Rbe6, Bxe6
9. Rxe6

White has a double threat of Re7+ and Rxa6.

9...Rc8 ..and the activity on c-file with d5-d4 or b5-b4 saves a day for Black.
Yap, I calculated all this during the game.

If you think that this was hard, then you should check the last one:

This is from my game in Copenhagen in 2009.

The first variation that we need to break down is:

2. Rb7, Rd7

...and now, there is direct mate with:

3. Qb5!!

or, if you like aesthetic solution by Thorsten Haub:

3. Qxd6!, Rxd6
4. Rcxc7#

The harder nut to crack is:


White should sacrifice further:

2. Rxe5+, Kxe5

It looks that there should be more then one solution, and that computer should find it easy.
However, there is only one, unique solution, which is far from easy!

3. Qb5+!!

I will not work with all the candidates here...and you can do that by your own. The hardest move to break is:


It is interesting that there is only one move which is winning in this position too.

4. g4!!

The threat is 5. Qe2+, Kd5 6. Qf3+, Ke6 7. Qf5#

4... Ke6

The best try!

5. Re1+, Be5
6. Qxc5, f6

Of course, it is not so hard to calculate the other defencive possibilities by Black.

7. Rxe5+, fxe5
8. Qe7+, Kd5
9. Qf7+

...and White will win the queen on a2.
This combination is very hard, but at the same time very deep and beautiful.
Who can find 3. Qb5+ and 4. g4  over the board??

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