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Zachrisson-Bejtovic |
One of these positions is from Swedish league from late 2010 against one amateur player (which, as a matter of fact had a pretty nice results that year).
By playing very original game very soon I got very serious advantage but I missed some good continuations and my opponent fought very well.
A game was decided in mutual time trouble.
I had few promising continuations but a most annoying thing was white knight on b5 which came into the play from being misplaced on a3 for whole game.
A problem for me was that I didn´t want to put my bishop on b8, cutting off my rook on a8.
What else to do? White has some resources in well timed Ng6+.
Everything spoke for a combination.
This was a most logical move, expecting to answer 33.Nxf3, Bf5 34. Qd2, Rag8 35. Rag1 and now besides that I can play calmly Bb8 if I want, there is tactical solution 35...Be4 and black wins.
All this is nice but white has a more critical continuation.
33. Ng6+ ...cutting off a g-file and removing a hanging knight from h4.
34. Nxc7 .... and it seems that white will exchange on e6 (34...Bf5? 35. Qxf5) and take on f4 with complete mess.
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Black to move |
It is hard to determine which tactical element is used in this move.
35. Kxg2, Qg5+
36. Kxf3
White takes everything. What happens if he plays 36. Kf1 ?
Black has a nice tactical solution which leads to mate:
36...Bh3+!! 37. Rxh3, Qg1+ 38. Ke2, Qg2+ 39. Kd1, Qf1#
Now, after taking a knight a solution is trivial:
37. Ke2, Qg2+
38. Ke1 (38. Kd1, Bg4+ 39. Kc1, Qe1+ 40. Qd1, Qxd1#)
39. Nxe6 It is not possible to take a rook because Bg4 mates than
39...Qe4+ and wins a knight on e6 and very soon a game.
This combination was very nice but hard to spot.
A second combination for today is somehow different.
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Bejtovic-Okicic |
My opponent was rated around 2200 Elo, and was by far weakest player on the second board.
However I played very passively and got this cramped position.
He was a bit optimistic when he played f5-f4 with a threat to take on f3 and h3.
It is very interesting that white has a decisive tactical stroke in this position. It is not necessary to find some creative moves, just to calculate everything. One or two moves are a little harder to find but quite logical after all.
25. d4! ...and only weak point in black position is under attack. Pawn on g6.
Black has four candidate moves.
26. Ne5!, Qe6 ( 26...Bxe5 27. dxe5, Qf5 28. Nxf4, Nxf4 29. Bxf4 +-)
27. Nxf4, Nxf4
28. Bxf4, cxd4
29. Bxe4 +-
26. Qxg6, gxf2+
27. Nxf2, Nf4
28. Bxf4, Re6
29. Nxe5!, Rxg6
30. Nxg6+, Kh7
31. Re7+-
26. Nh2!, Qf5
27. Qxf5, gxf5
28. Nxf4 and White wins a pawn and has winning position because of all weaknesses in black position.
In the game he played straight into critical continuation:
26. Bxf3, Qxh3
27. Qxg6
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Position after 27...Re6 |
27...Re6 (27...Nf6 28. Bxf4 and white wins a pawn on e5 and has an easy winning position)
This is critical point of a combination (diagram).
Let´s look what is going on if white just takes a knight on h5.
28. Qxh5, fxg3
29. fxg3, Qxg3+
30. Bg2, Rg6
31. Bg5 ! A point
32. Qxg6, Nf4 A point on point!
33. Qc2, Nh3+
34. Kh1, Nf2+
35. Kg1, Nh3+ with a perpetual check.
My point when playing 25.d4 was not to take a piece on h5 but to play here:
28. Qg4!! and force an exchange of queens
29. Bxg4 and now black has to do something with his pieces.
29...fxg3 ( if 29...Nf6 than 30. Bxe6, Nxe6 31. dxe5, Ne6 32. gxf4 and white wins with rook and three rolling pawns against to uncoordinated knights)
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Position after 29...fxg3 |
It was all nice planed but there is a final blow after which White has technically winning position.
30. dxe5!! ...and black knight from h5 goes nowhere.
31.Kxf2, Rec6
32. Bxh5 and white has a pawn more and a bishop pair.
I converted an advantage rather easily.
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