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Bejtovic-Kutynec |
This is a position from IM tournament in Olomouc, Czech Republic 2008. I was white and I was playing against Russian IM Kutynec.
As I said, main idea is to breakthrough with a queen but black has a safe square on h7.
I played:
25. g4! This is a multifunctional move. First thing first, I am threatening 26.gxf5 or 26.gxh5 , and that forces black either to take on g4 or to play something more convincing.
Black played:
25...Qxc3 So, what was my point if he just takes a pawn?
We can examine that.
a.) 25...fxg4 26. Rxe4 and White attacks with all his pieces. Black has no good defence.
b.) 25...hxg4 26. Qd8+, Kh7 27. Rd1! The point is that White opened h-file and h7 square is not safe anymore for Black. it will follow 28. Qh4+ and White has winning attack.
The third thing behind 25. g4 is that there is no weakness on white´s back rank.
26. gxf5, gxf5
27. Re3 ...and now White can take on h5 and rook can play on g3 with a decisive effect.
27...Qa1 forced
28. Qxa1, Bxa1
29. Ra3 and there will follow Rxa7 and a4. White has a big initiative in the endgame and I went to win a game.
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Bejtovic-Penalver Allskånska 2009 |
21. Rxd6!
21...Qxd6 If 21...Bxd6 than 22. Rxf6+ wins easily.
22. Rxf6+, Bxf6
23. Qxd6+, Kg7
The whole thing in this combination is to asses this position.
How big is white´s advantage. I think that one should not take a pawn on a6 and give black a chance to coordinate his pieces. I played:
24. Nc5, Re8
25. Ne6+, Kf7
26. Nc7, Re1+
27. Kf2, Rbe5
28. Nd5, R5e2+
29. Kf3, Bxb2
30. Qxb4 and after this more or less forcing line, White has decisive advantage.
A question was which strategic rule was applied to this combination. The rule is, if you have advantage on white squares than you should search for a final blow on dark squares.
You can see in my previous post "Reportage from Sarajevo part two" in my game against Nestorovic Dejan, he had complete control on dark squares but a final blow 22...Nxd3 was strike on light square (and all blows that followed 23...Bxe4, 24...Nxh3).
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Bejtovic- De Andres Gonalos France 2011 |
I calculated:
22. Rxe6, fxe6 forced!
23. Qxf7+ and now black has two candidates:
a.) 23...Kh8 and after 24. Qxg6 black has some resources but White is winning.
b.) 23...Kh7 I could not find a solution for this move and eventualy I abandoned variation with 21. Rae1 and played 21. Qh4 instead (the game ended in a draw).
My pattern recognition was not on the right level in that game. White has a simple solutin:
24. Qxg6+ !, Kxg6
25. Be4 mate
I already seen similar mate in one of my old books (Matni udar, Dragoslav Andric) but I didn´t spoted it in the game.
Gelfand - Anand World Championship Match
I need to apologize for mistake in my earlier post about this match. I didn´t knew that after game 6 players will change colours so Anand will start and finish with white pieces, but Gelfand plays game number 6 and 7 with white pieces.
However, Gelfand took a lead after game 7. It will be interesting how Anand will respond in the last five games.
I have to mention Anand behaver during press conference after he lost game number 7.
All his answers were short and somehow rude. He answered a few questions with a style that one could imagine that he meant "Are you so stupid to ask that? "
I guess that he was very annoyed.
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